8 days lost in Georgia Holiday (8 days)

Practical information about this holiday in Georgia

This is an 8 days holiday starting from Tbilisi and on request from Kutaisi

You have to be able to walk 1-2 hours, also up the hill and over rocks

It is advised to have comfortable shoes and protection for the sun

Guides for this holiday available in English, Georgian, Dutch, and Russian

This holiday can start any day of the week during the whole year

Destinations of this holiday in Georgia: Tbilisi, Ikalto, Alaverdi, Telavi, Gremi, Ananuri, Gudauri, Stepantsminda, Gergeti, Sighnaghi, Bodbe, David Gareja, Gori, Uplistsikhe, Mtskheta, Dashbashi, Vardzia, Rabati and Borjomi

This all-inclusive holiday '8 days lost in Georgia' is a combination of several day trips and it covers most of the tourist destinations of Georgia. You will taste the best wines of Georgia and see the unlimited grape fields in the wine region Kakheti, see a real Devils Valley and have a chance to paraglide in it, visit cave towns and the city of love, see amazing waterfalls and canyons.

Why Me Travel - 8 days lost in Georgia

Day 1: Welcome to Georgia

Today we will meet you at the airport and after checking in we will go for a Tbilisi walking tour. The excursion includes a walk along old streets, introducing the heart of Tbilisi, the place where Tbilisi started. Walk in the modern center of Tbilisi and experience the cultural life of Georgia.

Day 2: Excursion '8000 years of Wine'. Destinations: Ikalto, Alaverdi, Telavi, Gremi and Kindzmarauli winery

Today we will visit the wine region Kakheti, see some of the many monasteries, and taste amazing wines. Full description day trip Kakheti

Day 3: Excursion 'Top of the World'. Destinations: Ananuri Fortress, mineral water spring, the viewpoint, and the Gergeti Monastery

Today we will visit the Kazbegi region and see the ancient Ananuri Fortress, the viewpoint at the Devils Valley, and the Gregreti Monastery with its beautiful views. Full description day trip Kazbegi

Day 4: Excursion 'Will you marry me?' Destinations: Sighnaghi, Bodbe, and David Gareja

Today we will bring you to the city of love, romantic Sighnaghi. Also, we will visit the cave monastery David Gareja. Full description day trip 'Will you marry me?'

Day 5: Excursion '99km away from Tbilisi'. Destinations: Gori and Uplistsikhe

Today we are going to visit the ancient cave town Uplistsikhe and Gori, the birthplace of legendary Stalin. Full description day trip '99km away from Tbilisi'

Day 6: Day trip Dashbashi Canyon

The Dashbashi Canyon is one of the most beautiful canyons in Georgia. The small path to the canyon is over rocks and water. It's a walk of about 1 hour. Please make sure to have good hiking shoes and be careful.

Dashbashi canyon and waterfalls
Dashbashi canyon and waterfalls

Day 7: Excursion 'Pride from beneath'. Destinations: Vardzia, Rabati and Borjomi

Today we are going to try the real Borjomi water from the source, visit the cave town Vardzia and the recently renovated fortress of the 9th century, Rabati. Full description day trip 'Pride from beneath'

Day 8: Tbilisi

In the morning we will visit the Ethnographical open-air museum. In the afternoon you will have free time to shop for souvenirs and presents.

Price of this holiday, inclusive and exclusive


Price for 1 person: 699 €

Price for 2 persons: 1099 €

Price for a family with 2 children up to 12 years: 1699 €

Click here to book now


All transportation

English speaking driver/guide

Entrance fees


Breakfast, Why Me lunch package, dinner, and one drink each meal

Transfer hotel and airport


Fees for wine tasting at the winery

Official guide (only on request)



Porter service

The team of Why Me Travel would like to offer you to adjust this holiday to any personal wishes and help with finding the most convenient flights.