Pride from beneath; Vardzia, Rabati, and Borjomi Full-day trip

Practical information about the excursion

This excursion is a full-day trip from Tbilisi

You have to be able to walk 1-2 hours, also up the hill

It is advised to have comfortable shoes and protection for the sun

Guides for this excursion available in English, Georgian, Dutch, and Russian

This excursion can start any day of the week during the whole year

Destinations of the excursion: Vardzia, Rabati and Borjomi

The excursion 'Pride from beneath' has three parts: from deep inside, deep into history, and from deep down. In the part 'from deep inside' we will visit Vardzia, a cave complex from the 12th century, in the part 'deep into history' we will visit Rabati, one of the most beautiful castles of Georgia and in the part 'from deep down' we will visit Borjomi which is known for its mineral water.

Why Me Travel - Excursion Vardzia, Rabati and Borjomi

From deep inside, Vardzia

Vardzia is a cave town carved from deep inside a mountain and it's one of the most visited destinations in Georgia.

Cave town Vardzia

Cave town Vardzia

Carved by human hands the cave town Vardzia was practically the center of the kingdom and the home for the royal family in ancient times. As the Georgian nation was suffering from constant raids and attacks coming from the neighboring countries they needed a secure defense, an impregnable fortress. So this sheer cliff with its natural caves was turned into the basis of construction, which became the enemy defense and was livable for people.

Vardzia complex

Vardzia complex

The Vardzia complex consists out of more than 600 rooms. There are churches, chapels, libraries, baths, refectories, pharmacies, pantries, and so on. Vardzia was subjected to several earthquakes. That’s why the front part of the complex is unfortunately ruined. However now, right from the bank of the Kura River, the visitors can see the epic complex of the caves, corridors, and stairs 8 levels high carved in the cliff that was covered by layers of rock.

Deep into history, Rabati

The stories about the establishment of Rabati's fortress take you deep into history.

The history of Rabati

The history of Rabati

The history of Rabati begins in the 9th century AD. The fortress of Akhaltsikhe, Rabati was built on the site of the ancient fort Lomisi. For centuries, the fortress was owned by the Georgian royal families. The fortress survived many invasions, warriors, and uprisings. It was burned to the ground, destroyed, looted, but it was restored over and over again. Recently, in 2011, a large-scale restoration of the fortress Rabati was carried out and it appeared in all its glory, surprising and delightful for all its visitors.

Rabati, Akhaltsikhe Fortress

Rabati, Akhaltsikhe Fortress

Rabati, also known as Akhaltsikhe Fortress is a wonderful, unusually beautiful complex, which is the symbol of tolerance. On this small territory, we will find an orthodox church, a mosque, a minaret, and a synagogue. You will have the feeling that you go back in time and experience the fascinating history of ancient Akhaltsikhe. We will visit the historical museum and enjoy the beauty and greatness of the castle with its long and colorful history.


From deep down, Borjomi

The town Borjomi is very picturesque, but the main reason why all travelers visit this town is the source of mineral water from deep down which is located in the central park.



Travelers and local Georgians were going to Borjomi resorts for centuries to improve their health, enjoy the picturesque nature and drink the healing mineral water, Georgia’s pride from beneath - legendary Borjomi. Borjomi is a quiet, cozy, green town surrounded by mountains that is happy to welcome travelers at any time of the year.

The central park of Borjomi

The central park of Borjomi

The central park of Borjomi is the main attraction for tourists. Fresh air and rich fauna bring everyone to this park, but the main reason to be here is to taste the famous mineral water for free directly from the source and not from a bottle in a shop. Travelers also love to hike in the National Parks of this area. The parks are famous for their beautiful landscapes as well as with the historical monuments of Georgia of 8-10 centuries.

Weather in Rabati


Excursion price, inclusive and exclusive


Price for 1 - 4 persons: 119 €

Price for 4 - 7 persons: 209 €

Click here to book now


All transportation

English speaking driver/guide

Why Me lunch package

Hotel transfer within Tbilisi


Entrance fees

Official guide (only on request)

The team of Why Me Travel would like to offer you to adjust this excursion to any personal wishes.

Free night in our guesthouse in Tbilisi?

During low season we offer a free night in our guesthouse in Tbilisi when you reserve a second excursion, for example the excursion 'Top of the world'.

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